Friday, March 11, 2005

Risk Factors for Intussusception

Risks factors for Intussusception: medical news summaries: The following medical news items are relevant to risk factors for Intussusception:

Childhood gastro preventable with 2 vaccines

A major cause of gastroenteritis in children, rotavirus, now has 2 effective vaccines to protect against the common and occasionally deadly disease. Rotavirus kills 20-70 people each year in America by inducing dehydration that often requires hospitalization. An earlier attempt at a rotavirus vaccine was associated with a slight increased risk of inducing intussusception, or twisting of the bowel, and was removed from the market. Immunization with the 2 new vaccines decreases the amount of inflammation in the intestine, which is responsible for causing diarrhea and therefore dehydration. Studies conducted on the vaccinations found that young children were far less likely to develop the bowel inflammation and therefore the symptoms of rotavirus.

Rotavirus vaccine development

Rotavirus is a common cause of gastroenteritis in children, which can cause excessive diarrhea and vomiting, leading to dehydration, occasional hospitalization, and possible death. Immunization against rotavirus was originally available in the late 1990's, however it was shown to increase the risk of intussusception (twisted bowel). Medical health authorities are anticipating the global benefit that the vaccine will bring.