Saturday, March 11, 2006

Prevalence and Incidence of Intestinal obstruction

Incidence (annual) of Intestinal obstruction: 6,112 annual cases in Victoria 1996 (DHS-VIC)
Incidence Rate: approx 1 in 746 or 0.13% or 364,563 people in USA [about data]
Incidence extrapolations for USA for Intestinal obstruction: 364,563 per year, 30,380 per month, 7,010 per week, 998 per day, 41 per hour, 0 per minute, 0 per second.
Incidence of types of Intestinal obstruction:for details see incidence of types of Intestinal obstruction analysis; summary of available incidence by type data:

Intussusception: about 2 per 1000 cases in infants