What is HLA matching?
HLA matching is used to ensure that there is a match between a donor and recipient to prevent the chance of rejection of the donated cells. If you choose to bank your child's cord blood, you will eliminate the possibility that the donated stem cells are not HLA matched to your child. Stem cells from your child will always be a perfect match to you child. By banking your child's cord blood, your child's own stem cells will be ready for use at all times during the lifetime of your child.
Can by child's cord blood stem cells be used for siblings or other family members?
There is a high probability that your child's cord blood stem cells can be used for siblings and other family members. Your child's cord blood stem cells will be a perfect match to your child. However, it may also be very useful for other members of your family. There is a 25% chance that your child's cord blood can be used for one of his/her siblings, and there is also a high chance that your child's cord blood stem cells can be used for parents or grandparents.
Should everyone store cord blood?
There is always a chance that a child or other family member may develop an illness or cancer which will require stem cell therapy. Banking a child's cord blood is a preventative measure for peace of mind and security. Once your child's precious cord blood stem cells are banked, they are safe, they are a perfect match to your child, and they ready for immediate use upon request in the event that the stem cells are ever required.
Who has the right to use the cord blood?
Your child's cord blood is reserved for your family's use, and you have full control over its usage while your child is a minor. Once your child reaches the age of majority, the stem cells belong to your child, and you child will have full control over the use and storage of the stem cells.
Why is it beneficial for my child to have his/her own stem cells for future use?
In the event that your child ever requires stem cells, it is often difficult or even impossible to find a perfect match from a bone marrow donor or the umbilical cord blood from another donor. Your child's own stem cells are a perfect match to your child with no chance of rejection. By banking your child's cord blood, you are ensuring that your child will have a supply of his/her own stem cells which are a perfect match to himself/herself which can be used for transplantation and therapy without fear of rejection or the inability to find a matching donor in time to treat the disease.
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