Saturday, September 30, 2006

What is the long-term outlook for a child with this condition?

How these babies fare heavily depends on whether there is an associated anomaly and whether or not the baby is left with an adequate length of intestine. Most babies do well, but some complications can occur such as gastroesophageal reflux. Your child's doctor will want to monitor your baby regularly after surgery.

Types of Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal atresia is a congenital (present at birth) malformation that involves the complete absence or closure of a part of the intestine. Intestinal stenosis is a narrowing of the intestine that causes partial blockage. Intestinal atresia is common in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, which make up the small intestine and is rare in the colon. Intestinal atresia accounts for 33 percent of all cases of intestinal obstruction at birth.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Упражнения для подготовки к родам.

беременна?Проводятся индивидуальные курсы подготовки к родам по программе, составленной с учетом Ваших пожеланий к количеству и времени посещения занятий.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wall Street Journal of Europe

According to the " Wall Street Journal of Europe " (February, 2006) 73% of the sum forex volume are done by 10 banks. These banks are the trade names which we know everything in such a way, including German bank, UBS, Citigroup and HSBC. Every bank is structured passed away, but most banks will allow to know a separate group as the foreign currency sales and commercial department. This group is responsible for doing prices of the customers of the bank and to compensate this danger with other banks. Within the foreign currency group there are sales and a commercial desk. The sales desk is generally responsible for taking the orders of the customer, for seeing a citation from the point trader getting and the citation to the customer transmitting, whether they want to deal on it. Of these three steps process is quite general because, even if the on-line foreign exchange, many of the big customers is available who deal somewhere from 10 millions $ to 100 millions $ all at once (cash on the cash), believe that they can recover valuing, about the phone spreading out, as about the commercial platform. This is because most platforms offered by banks will have a commercial size-border because the trader wants to make sure that it is in the state to compensate the danger.

On a foreign currency point Commercial desk there is in general one or two market creators responsible for every currency pair. There is D. h. for the EUR/USD only one primary trader who will give quotations on the currency. He or they can have a secondary trader who gives quotations on a smaller transaction size. This setting is mainly true for four majors where the traders see a lot of activity. For the goods currencies it can do a trader responsibly for all three goods currencies or, give dependent of the fact how many volumes the bank sees, there can be two traders. This is important because the bank wants to make sure that every trader knows his currency well and the behaviour of the other players at the market understands. The Australian dollar trader is also normally responsible for the dollar of New Zealand and there is often a separate trader who does quotations for the Canadian dollar. There is normally no trader of "Kreuz" - the primary trader responsible for the more liquid currency will do the citation. For example, the trader of the Japanese yen will do quotations on all yen crossing. In the end, there is an additional trader who is responsible for the exotic currencies like the Mexican peso and the South African edge. This setting becomes normally more than three commercial centers - London, New York and Tokyo copied. Every center passes the customer orders and positions to another commercial center at the end of the day to make sure that customer orders 24 hours per day are observed. (To continue, to read about currency crosses, see Make the currency cross your boss and Trending and row-certain currencies Identifying.)

How do banks determine the price?
Bank traders become her prices being based on a variety of factors including, the present market rate determine how many volumes in the current price level, her views are available on where the currency pair is stated and her stock on hand positions. If they think that the euro is higher stated, they can be ready to offer a more competitive rate for customers who want to sell euro because they believe that, as soon as the euro is given them, they can hold on them for some cores and equalize for a better price. On the B page if they think that the euro is stated more deeply and the customer gives them euro, they can offer a lower price because they are not sure if they can sell the euro back to the market in the same level in which there was been to them. This is something what is unique to market creators who do not offer a fastened propagation.

How does a bank compensate danger?
Like the way we see prices on a platform electronic forex of broker, there are two primary platforms which interbank traders use: one is offered by the business of Reuters, and the other is offered by the electronic brokerage service (EBS). The interbank market is a loan-approved system, in bank trade supported only on the loan relations which they have founded with each other. All banks can see the best market rates available at the moment; however, every bank must have a specific loan respect with another bank to act in the rates which are offered. The greater the banks, the more loan relations they can have and the better prize calculation, they will be able access. The same is true for customers like retail trade forex broker. The greater the retail trade forex broker can come to relation on the available capital, the the more favorable prize calculation of it from the interbank market. If a customer or even a bank is small, it is limited to deal with only one select number of bigger banks, and inclines to agree less favorable prize calculations.

Gemäß einem Bericht im April 2004 durch die Bank für Internationale Ansiedlungen hat der Devisenmarkt ein durchschnittliches tägliches Volumen von ungefähr 2,000 Milliarden $, es der größte Markt in der Welt machend. Verschieden vom grössten Teil anderen Austausches wie die New Yorker Börse oder der Chikagoer Ausschuss des Handels ist der FX Markt nicht ein zentralisierter Markt. Auf einem zentralisierten Markt wird jede Transaktion durch den Preis verteilt und getauschtes Volumen registriert. Es gibt gewöhnlich einen Hauptplatz zurück, zu dem dem ganzen Handel nachgespürt werden kann, und gibt es häufig einen Fachmann oder Marktschöpfer. Der Devisenmarkt ist jedoch ein dezentralisierter Markt. Es gibt nicht einen "Austausch", wo jeder Handel registriert wird. Statt dessen registriert jeder Marktschöpfer seine oder ihre eigenen Transaktionen und behält es als Eigentumsinformation. Die primären Marktschöpfer, die Gebot machen und Ausbreitungen im Devisenmarkt fragen, sind die größten Banken in der Welt. Sie befassen sich ständig entweder im Auftrag sich selbst oder ihrer Kunden. Das ist, warum der Markt, auf dem Banken Transaktionen führen, den Zwischenbankmarkt genannt wird.

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Testicular Torsion

Background: Testicular torsion is a urologic emergency and must be differentiated from other complaints of testicular pain because a delay in diagnosis can lead to loss of the testicle. In adolescent males, testicular torsion is the most frequent cause of testicle loss.

Pathophysiology: The typical testicle is covered by the tunica vaginalis, which attaches to the posterolateral surface of the testicle and allows for little mobility.

In patients who have an inappropriately high attachment of the tunica vaginalis (ie, bell clapper deformity), the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord within the tunica vaginalis (intravaginal testicular torsion). This congenital anomaly is present in approximately 12% of males, 40% of which have the abnormality in the contralateral testicle as well. The bell clapper deformity allows the testicle to twist spontaneously on the spermatic cord, causing venous occlusion and engorgement, with subsequent arterial ischemia causing infarction of the testicle. Experimental evidence indicates that 720° torsion is required to compromise flow through the testicular artery and result in ischemia.

In the neonatal age group, the testicle frequently has not yet descended into the scrotum and becomes attached within the tunica vaginalis. Additionally, this mobility of the testicle predisposes it to torsion (extravaginal testicular torsion).


In the US: Incidence of torsion in males younger than 25 years is approximately 1 in 4000. Torsion more often involves the left testicle.
Mortality/Morbidity: This urologic emergency requires prompt diagnosis, immediate urologic referral, and rapid definitive treatment for salvage of the testicle.

A salvage rate of 80-100% is found in patients who present within 6 hours of pain.
After 6-8 hours, the salvage rate markedly decreases, and it is near 0% at 12 hours.
Sex: Testicular torsion affects males only.

Age: Testicular torsion most often is observed in males younger than 30 years, with most aged 12-18 years. The peak age is 14 years, although a smaller peak also occurs during the first year of life.

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Background: Intussusception is the telescoping or prolapse of one portion of the bowel into an immediately adjacent segment. Contrast enema can reduce the intussusception in approximately 75% of cases.

Pathophysiology: Intussusception most commonly occurs at the terminal ileum (ie, ileocolic). The telescoping proximal portion of bowel (ie, intussusceptum) invaginates into the adjacent distal bowel (ie, intussuscipiens).

The mesentery of the intussusceptum is compressed, and the ensuing swelling of the bowel wall quickly leads to obstruction. Venous engorgement and ischemia of the intestinal mucosa cause bleeding and an outpouring of mucous, which results in the classic description of red "currant jelly" stool.

Most cases (90%) are idiopathic, with no identifiable lesion acting as the lead point or pathological apex of the intussusceptum.


In the US: Intussusception is the predominate cause of intestinal obstruction in persons aged 3 months to 6 years. The estimated incidence is 1-4 per 1000 live births.
Mortality/Morbidity: Most patients recover if treated within 24 hours.

Mortality with treatment is 1-3%. If left untreated, this condition is uniformly fatal in 2-5 days.
Recurrence is observed in 3-11% of cases. Most recurrences involve intussusceptions that were reduced with contrast enema.

Overall, the male-to-female ratio is approximately 3:1.
With advancing age, gender difference becomes marked; in patients older than 4 years, the male-to-female ratio is 8:1.
Age: Intussusception is most common in infants aged 3-12 months, with an average age of 7-8 months.

Two thirds of the cases occur before the patient's first birthday.
Intussusception occurrence is rare in persons younger than 3 months, and it becomes less common in persons older than 36 months.

CLINICAL Section 3 of 10
Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Follow-up Miscellaneous Pictures Bibliography


The typical presentation is a previously healthy infant boy aged 6-12 months with sudden onset of colicky abdominal pain with vomiting.
Paroxysms of pain occur 10-20 minutes apart.
Initially, loose or watery stools are present concurrent with vomiting and, within 12-24 hours, blood or mucous is passed rectally.
Early in the course, the patient appears completely well between the episodes of abdominal pain.
Lethargy may dominate the initial presentation. However, lethargy usually occurs later in the process.
The classic triad of colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, and red currant jelly stools occurs in only 21% of cases.

Usually, the abdomen is soft and nontender early, but it eventually becomes distended and tender.
A vertically oriented mass may be palpable in the right upper quadrant.
Currant jelly stools are observed in only 50% of cases.
Most patients (75%) without obviously bloody stools have stools that test positive for occult blood.
Fever is a late finding and is suggestive of enteric sepsis.
Causes: Most cases are idiopathic. In neonates and in patients older than 3 years, a mechanical lead point usually can be found.

Predisposing factors
Recent upper respiratory illness
Recent diarrheal illness
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Cystic fibrosis
Chronic indwelling GI tubes
Processes that result in a mechanical lead point
Meckel diverticulum
Intestinal polyp (eg, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, familial polyposis coli, juvenile polyposis)
Intestinal lymphosarcoma
Blunt abdominal trauma with intestinal or mesenteric hematomas
Foreign body
Henoch-Schönlein purpura (small bowel hematomas cause small bowel intussusception)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Die Konkurrenz zwischen Banken sichert dichte Ausbreitungen und die schöne Preiskalkulation. Für individuelle Kapitalanleger ist das die Quelle von Preisangeboten und ist, wo forex Makler ihre Positionen ausgleichen. Die meisten Personen sind außer Stande, auf die auf dem Zwischenbankmarkt verfügbare Preiskalkulation zuzugreifen, weil die Kunden an den Zwischenbankschreibtischen dazu neigen, das größte gegenseitige und Hecke-Kapital in der Welt sowie großen multinationalen Vereinigungen einzuschließen, die Millionen (wenn nicht Milliarden) Dollars haben. Trotzdem ist das für individuelle Kapitalanleger wichtig zu verstehen, wie der Zwischenbankmarkt arbeitet, weil es ein die besten Weisen ist zu verstehen, wie Einzelausbreitungen bewertet werden, und zu entscheiden, ob Sie die schöne Preiskalkulation von Ihrem Makler bekommen. Lesen Sie auf herauszufinden, wie dieser Markt arbeitet, und wie seine inneren Mechanismen Ihre Investitionen betreffen können.

Wer macht die Preise?

Der Handel auf einem dezentralisierten Markt ist im Vorteil und Nachteile. Auf einem zentralisierten Markt haben Sie den Vorteil, Volumen auf dem Markt als Ganzes aber zur gleichen Zeit zu sehen, Preise können leicht verdreht werden, um die Interessen des Fachmannes und nicht des Händlers anzupassen. Die internationale Natur des Zwischenbankmarktes kann es schwierig machen, jedoch mit solchen wichtigen Spielern auf dem Markt zu regeln, Selbstregulierung ist manchmal noch wirksamer als Regierungsregulierungen. Für den individuellen Kapitalanleger muss ein forex Makler mit der Warenterminhandel-Kommission als ein Terminware-Kommissionsgroßhändler eingeschrieben werden und ein Mitglied der Nationalen Terminware-Vereinigung (NFA) sein. Der CFTC regelt den Makler und stellt sicher, dass er oder sie strengen Finanzstandards entspricht.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding: it's one of the most natural and intimate of all human interactions. But, just because it's natural doesn't mean it's easy--especially in those first few overwhelming weeks with your newborn. Breastfeeding takes knowledge and practice. You've got a million questions about how to get it right. And, luckily, you've come to the right place.

Here's your one-stop resource for everything you need to know about breastfeeding--from buying that first nursing bra to deciding when to wean. You'll find advice and information on how to get the proper latch, what to eat while breastfeeding, how to keep breastfeeding when you go back to work, and how to breastfeed and still have a life. You'll find stories of women who've overcome nursing challenges and you'll learn how to form your own breastfeeding support system. Wondering whether breastfeeding is a reliable form of birth control, or whether you can breastfeed after a breast-augmentation or breast-reduction surgery? You'll find answers to these questions--and more--in the articles below.